Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Saving the economy, or saving the bubble?

An interesting article published on the Caijing.com.


Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Bear Index

An interesting chart regarding the investment preferences for gold these days. I think I am a cub...

Monday, 11 January 2010


Avatar has certainly become one of the hot topics these days. The two-and-a half hour Twentieth Century-Fox movie that cost about $300 million to produce and an additional $100 million to market breaks the creative barriers that have stymied 3D technology for decades. “(It) will set off a new wave of 3D film making in the years to come and is likely to accelerate consumer interest in in-home 3D,” said Pali Capital analyst Richard Greenfield. Piper Jaffray estimates the 3D market will grow from $5.5 billion this year to $25 billion by 2012 at a compound annual rate of 50 percent.

To get the 3D visual experience, the viewer in the cinema has to wear a silly looking 3D glasses that mimic stereoscopic vision. However, this may not be necessary. Indeed, a PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University had taken a standard Nintendo Wii remote and turned a monitor into 3D VR display.

Dynamic Multiple Portfolio Gain Insurance Strategy

I have recently developed a principal protection strategy called "Dynamic Multiple Portfolio Gain Insurance".

Compared to the traditional CPPI (Constant Proportion Portfolio Insurance) strategy, it has two features: dynamic multiple and gain protection.

Unlike the CPPI which normally sets the multiple fix at the beginning of the portfolio investing, the DMPGI set the multiple within a range of possible vlaues, conditional on the downside risk of the risky asset. Therefore, it recognizes the essential fact that the risk of the risky underlying asset changes according to market evolutions.

It is also different from the CPPI as the protection level is not based on the beginning value of the portfolio investments but the highest level of the portfolio (gains) throughout the life of the investments, which is appealing to investors who do want to participate in the upside potentials to some extents and do want to lock in those gains.

The following example is based on the S&P/TSX 60 Index and is carried out in the Matlab application.