Thursday, 25 October 2007

The term spread (10yr-2yr) and Japanese Yen gains have both picked up a lot recently, both are above two standard deviations level.

If you look at the nagative relationship between the two during historical crisis periods (in other words, as the term spread widening, Yen tends to be strengthening), it tends to be much stronger during stress periods than normal periods. (See charts below).

Also, just before the market crisis, the Yen tends to be strengthening at a faster than normal pace. And that trend tends to be reversed in an after-crisis periods.

Therefore, until the current strengthening trend for Yen reverse, we are still not out of the wood yet.

Prepare for more panics to come.

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Risk Radar - A tool to identify multi-dimensional market risk

A risk radar model has been recently developed to identify multi-dimensional market risk, including ten risk factors: 1) Market Volatility; 2) Gold Favor; 3) Term Spread; 4) Yen Carry Trade; 5) Credit Spread; 6) Emerging Market Bond Spread; 7) FX Volatility (EUR,JPY,CHF,GBP,AUD); 8) Market Sentiment; 9) Market Liquidity; 10) Quality Nervousness. All variables are nomalized to derive the Z-score on a continous120-day rolling basis.

Saturday, 6 October 2007

New Stock List Derived from My Model

皖通高速 sh600012
福建高速 sh600033
凤竹纺织 sh600493
华能国际 sh600011
南海发展 sh600323
友谊股份 sh600827
宏盛科技 sh600817
鞍钢股份 sz000898
本钢板材 sz000761
华润锦华 sz000810
四川美丰 sz000731
海螺型材 sz000619
新兴铸管 sz000778
美 欣 达 sz002034
江山化工 sz002061